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Women artists…. I love you

Exhibitions: WOMEN ARTISTS… I love you

Two beautiful exhibitions highlight women artists and remedy the partial amnesia of art history about women and their role!

First exhibition: “Women Painters, Birth of a Fight” at the Musée du Luxembourg

from 03 March to 04 July 2021.

Exhibition of women painters at the Luxembourg Museum

In this exhibition, which we hope will open soon, the struggle of women artists for

  • the right to education
  • professionalism
  • a public existence
  • a place on the art market

Bringing together nearly 80 works, the exhibition highlights the pivotal period in history when, transformed by the French Revolution, the space of production opened up to women. The exhibition highlights the contribution of women to the evolution of portraiture, their favourite genre.

Second exhibition: “Valadon and her contemporaries, painters and sculptors.”

from March 13 to June 27, 2021, at the Monastère Royal de Brou, 63 bd de Brou, Bourg en Bresse

This exhibition highlights the contribution of women artists to the extraordinary artistic effervescence of the years 1880-1940. About fifty artists are presented, with Suzanne Valadon as the figurehead, who embodies the emancipation of the female artistic scene of the early 20th century, but also Camille Claudel, Marie Laurencin, Sonia Delaunay and Tamara Lempicka.

This travelling exhibition has already been presented at the museum of Limoges. Here is an overview in pictures:

At that time, women artists did not have easy access to artistic studies. Most of them were the daughters or wives of artists and often the husband’s name was remembered more than the wife’s, as was the case for Sonia and Robert Delaunay. However, in 1897, women finally gained the right to go to art school to train.

These artists painted, sculpted or drew primarily their entourage and scenes of everyday life. They left us sublime portraits such as Suzanne Valadon’s ‘La chambre bleue’ from 1923, a sort of manifesto of female emancipation. (on the poster below)

Valadon exhibition

In this exhibition, we feel the emergence of a sound between women, between artists, a desire to magnify women in general and to celebrate the links that bind them.

If you are as interested in the subject of women artists as we are, we invite you to follow the Mooc of the Centre Pompidou “elles font l’art” which is quite fascinating and has allowed us to discover many women, talented artists whose names had been forgotten in the usual courses on the history of art. Here is a brief introduction to the Mooc in question:

Another way to learn more about the subject is to subscribe to the RMN and Orange Foundation Mooc from March 29, 2021:

In the Happy Funky Family we have by chance more women than men artists. This is not a choice but the fruit of chance. Our artists are selected for their talent and kindness, no other criteria are taken into consideration.

Our artists, painters, illustrators, embroiderers, ceramists, collage specialists… are all, men and women, at your disposal to transform what you hold most dear into a work of art from a photo. A gift as original as it is moving, which is sure to please!

The Perfect Beauty…

The perfect beauty…

At a certain time, portraits were moving away from the truth so that the models approached perfection. In antiquity, for example, it was a way of showing the rank of the subjects treated because perfection was then the prerogative of the gods. On this coin, for example, King Alexander the Great appeared in the effigy of Apollo, the Greek sun god. The result is superb!

Piece de monnaie avec Apollon

This young woman, portrait of a lady in yellow, was also idealized by the Italian painter Alesso Baldovinetti, around 1465. Her skin is surprisingly smooth and clear, her expression peaceful, but the painter did not only give her gifts, he also left her a slightly irregular nose! A little anecdote: at the time, it was fashionable for women to depilate the top of their head to make their forehead appear larger. Beauty criteria have therefore evolved…

Portrait d'Alesso Baldovinetti

L’Delphian charioteer Hêniokhos, or Hêniokhos (in ancient Greek ἡνίοχος, “who holds the reins “), is one of the most famous sculptures of ancient Greece, and one of only five great bronzes that have survived from theclassical period. It is kept in the Archaeological Museum of Delphi and is dated, thanks to its inscription, between two Panhellenic games, either in 478 or 474, or between 470 and 467 BC. The sculpture was made to celebrate the winner of a chariot race. Its features are too symmetrical and smooth to be real.

statue grecque

These few examples among so many others make us smile, because isn’t art by definition the pure and simple idealization of reality? How could we deny the beautifying and purifying power of art? For those who would like to delve deeper into the subject, this philosophical essay, the truth in Art is absolutely exciting!

In the Happy Funky familyWe think that life is too short not to enjoy ourselves, not to take advantage of the people we love and not to surround ourselves with beautiful things. This is why we use and abuse the beautifying power of Art and the talent of our artists to transform family, friends, colleagues into a work of art.

Our artists see you as Apollo’s and as wonderful subjects of inspiration that they will be happy to showcase.