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Marie-Ange, multi-talented 🇫🇷

Discover the works of Marie-Ange

The Happy Life of Marie-Ange

Born in 1964 in Limoges, Marie Ange is a portrait artist.

Through her portraits she expresses her desire for aestheticism and femininity as well as her inclination towards melancholy and nostalgia. Her faces are strong and express a rare emotion.

In her “suspended feathers” portraits, the chosen material, the feather, exacerbates the emotions and notably the fragility and feminine softness. The feeling of transparency of the portrait and its evanescent side is brought by the concept of the work: the feathers are fixed on almost invisible nylon threads which allow the portrait to be detached from the support and to seem in levitation. The absence of colour reinforces the emotion and supports the nostalgia. The relief and the down of the feathers give a touch of softness to the whole.

Marie-Ange's Happy STYLE

Each creation is imagined, designed and crafted entirely by hand in her workshop.

Marie-Ange brilliantly uses many techniques to create her portraits.

The feathers, fixed on a transparent nylon thread, the metal whose rust reveals a guessed image and finally the tulle whose 3 layers are sprayed.

“His portraits, hectic, broken, glued back together, fragile, reconstituted from nothing, are the representation of our afflictions in the face of the passing of time and of emotions.

Why we LOVE Marie-Ange

Marie-Ange seduced us with the originality of her techniques. From the lightest, the feather to the heaviest, the metal, she creates extremely resembling portraits.

His large formats reveal the beauty and softness of the characters while keeping a part of mystery. The faces are guessed, suggested and appear as if by magic according to the techniques used.

Marie-Ange is a kind of self-taught magician who fascinates us with her creativity and talent.

The Happy Funky PORTRAIT of Marie-Ange

♥ Do you remember your first aesthetic shock?
Maybe not the first, but Egon Schiele’s nudes.

♥ The artist you would like to meet? What would you say to him?
Anselm Kiefer …I couldn’t talk to him

♥ What is your favourite colour? What does it inspire?
Black…for melancholy and nostalgia

♥ Which museum gives you the greatest emotion? Why do you ask?
The Fiac…I know it’s not a museum…but because you can find all the trends in contemporary art there

♥ Which work of art would you buy without hesitation if you had an unlimited budget?
Anselm Kieffer…a landscape

♥ In which city do you feel happiest? Why do you think so? Share your 3 favourite addresses.
I don’t like cities…but Paris for its beauty

♥ What book keeps you up all night?
Laclos’ Dangerous Liaisons

♥ What are your biggest sources of inspiration?
Nostalgia…the passing of time.

♥ What’s the funkiest thing you’ve done in your life?
Create a naturist domain in a Bordeaux castle

♥ What is your definition of happiness?
That it’s complicated

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