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Happy Funky Good Deal

Handmade Art by an Artist: The Exceptional Christmas Gift

Christmas is just around the corner, a time when we’re looking to please our loved ones with meaningful gifts. Rather than opting for standardized presents, why not choose something truly special, unique and personalized? Handmade bespoke art by 50 artists is an extraordinary option to consider. In this article, we’ll explore this trend and why it makes exceptional Christmas gifts.

**1. Handmade Art: a growing trend**.

The craze for made-to-measure art is growing steadily. Consumers are increasingly looking for unique items that reflect their personalities. The 50 selected artists offer a diversity of styles and techniques, from painting and collage to drawing and digital illustration, ensuring that every gift is authentic and special.

Portrait sur mesure à l'acrylique

Loana’s portrait of friends

**2. Why Choose Handmade Custom Art for Christmas?

– Unique Gifts**: Giving a custom-made gift shows that you’ve taken the time to create something unique for your loved one.

– Support for Independent Artists**: By purchasing bespoke art, you directly support independent artists, contributing to the local economy.

– Exceptional Quality**: Each work of art is meticulously handcrafted, guaranteeing exceptional quality and attention to detail.

– Total Personalization**: You can collaborate with the artist to personalize the artwork according to the recipient’s preferences.

Palimpsest portrait of children by Aurélie

**3. How to Choose the Perfect Artist and Work**.

To give an unforgettable Christmas gift, follow these simple steps:

– Browse the profiles of all 50 artists on our website.

– Identify the style that best suits the recipient’s tastes.

– Contact us at [email protected] to discuss your project.

– Order in advance to guarantee on-time delivery.

portrait de voyage

Lison’s family portrait in digital illustration


Handmade bespoke art by an artist is an exceptional Christmas gift option for those looking for something unique, authentic and personal. So give a memorable gift this year and make this holiday season special for your loved ones.

The exhibitions of the summer… 2021

Summer exhibitions in the South of France….

Let’s take advantage of a well-deserved holiday in the South of France to rest but also to take in the culture that we have missed so much:

1. At the Maeght Foundation

In the Happy Funky Family, we are fans of all the lovely family stories, so when they involve talented artists, the pleasure is of course tenfold… The Maeght Foundation The Giacometti Family”, an exhibition of five artists from the Giacometti family, is on view until 14 November: “The Giacomettis, a family of artists”.

2. Les rencontres photographiques d’Arles

The photographic encounters are the perfect opportunity to walk around the city of Arles with the family while discovering talented photographers. The Luma Tower, a new cultural venue, has just opened its doors. It is not only a building designed by Frank Gehry but also a whole programme. Maja Hoffmann, a Swiss patron of the arts and collector, created the Luma Foundation in 2004 to support artistic and research projects. She sees Luma as a “biological archipelago” that brings together several entities with their own particularities. Maja Hoffmann is passionate about a wide range of issues: the environment, human rights, education and culture, all through the prism of art.

3. The Montmartre fin de siècle exhibition

The Toulouse-Lautrec Museum in Albi is hosting the incredible collection of Americans David Weisman and Jacqueline Michel from 19 May to 5 September 2021. This couple of collectors have brought together the most emblematic artists of Montmartre at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. A collection that captures the lively and bubbling spirit of the Butte, represented by avant-garde artists such as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri-Gabriel Ibels and Suzanne Valadon.

The Toulouse-Lautrec Museum in Albi, where the artist was born on 24 November 1864, is located in the former Palais de la Berbie. Classified as a historic monument, it is part of the town’s episcopal complex, which is listed as a Unesco World Heritage Site.

Of course, we have a particular weakness for the portraits in these superb exhibitions:

  • photo portraits
  • painted portraits
  • carved portraits
  • self-portraits

If you wish to be tempted by a talented artist a personalized portrait by a talented artist, we are at your disposal to advise you according to your artistic sensibility, your interior decoration and budget. Make an appointment Contact Nathalie or Caroline to discuss your project and create a decoration that suits you!


Original and arty Valentine’s Day 2021 gift idea!

This festival, which so many of us today consider to be a commercial holiday, has been a real custom since the Middle Ages. Processions are even organised to celebrate lovers. And hide-and-seek games between bachelors were held to help everyone find their soul mate. From the 19th century onwards, the practice of exchanging love notes developed. Valentines”, cards with sweet nothings on them, became the symbol of Valentine’s Day. In the United States, it is customary to give them to all loved ones, in the broadest sense of the term.
The real origin of this festival is attested in the 14th century in the still Catholic Great Britain, where Valentine’s Day on 14 February was celebrated as a lovers’ day because it was believed that birds chose this day to mate. … Valentine’s Day became a secular festival in the 20th century.

“When you love, you don’t count! Some stars have taken this saying literally by showering their loved ones with lavish gifts:
– In 2014 Kanye West gave Kim a thousand roses, frankly, class!
– In 2010, Angelina chose to have an olive tree planted at a cost of $18,500 for their property in the south of France. A nice gift for her Brad.
– David Beckham is said to have given Victoria a necklace worth $8 million a few years ago.

Not all of us can afford to be as lavish as those eccentric stars. There are more affordable ways to tell the people you love that you love them:
– Giving a gift of our beloved singer M’s album
– Preparing a nice dinner with love
– Surprising your loved one with a personalised Happy Funky Family portrait, beautifully wrapped and scented, to which we will attach your most beautiful love notes!

MOOC not to be missed

Growing free of charge from home!

We share with you our Artistic MOOCs favorites. We draw our inspiration, ideas and colour code from our artistic culture. Each time we delve deeper into one or another of the major artistic trends, it is an unparalleled pleasure to discover and rediscover an artist, an anecdote or just to put events into perspective!

So for all those who wish to refresh their knowledge in art history, we recommend the mooc of the Orange Foundationa treasure trove of free courses accessible to all.

Online Art History Course