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Aurélie's Happy Life

As far back as she can remember, Aurélie has always been divided between drawing and writing with a strange obsession for typography.
When she was young, she was completely terrified of her artistic side and everything she saw during the open days at the Beaux-Arts school convinced her: she would be a good girl, serious, she would go straight!
After her studies, she worked as a documentalist for the Bar Association. But if you don’t like it, you can’t help it.
Every year, entire volumes were thrown away and she started to draw on these pages in her spare time (at night). She quickly moved on to other works to vary the pleasures.
His achievements seemed to please. His happiness to create was extreme.
I might as well admit it: she was addicted. After a few years of hesitation, she decided to devote herself exclusively to palimpsest (ink on collage).

Aurélie's Happy STYLE

Palimpsest is an art form that consists in reusing supports to create a new work. Each creation consists of a hypertext, the face and in the background of its hypo-text, which are superimposed.
She uses mainly book pages but sometimes also fragments of photos.
The possibilities are endless. The portraits made with this process are interesting because they are the result of a transformation process. They are not only impregnated with the graphics and colors but also with the meaning distilled by the background.

Why we LOVE Aurélie

Until now, we explained that a portrait was worth 1000 words. That was before we met Aurélie and her technique with a funny name (Palimpsest, not easy to pronounce)!

Absolute love at first sight for the work of this artist who skilfully mixes writing, drawing and watercolor to create works first filled with emotions but with a second more subtle message under the paint! A way to convey messages of love, encouragement, admiration in a unique work created to measure for its recipient …

We are so happy that Aurélie left her law books to join our Happy Funky Family!

The Happy Funky PORTRAIT of Aurélie

♥ Do you remember your first aesthetic shock?
The Mediterranean sea that emerges between two mountains. the azure sky, the heat that makes the air twist

♥ The artist you would like to meet? What would you say to her?
Mozart! I would certainly come out with a distressing banality that I would still be blushing about years later!

♥ What is your favorite color? What does it inspire you?
Prussian blue or sienna….The heat!

♥ Which museum gives you the greatest emotion? Why?
The temporary exhibitions at the Petit Palais that always make you rediscover artists of an amazing contemporaneity… The Quai Branly museum…incredible!

♥ Which piece of art would you buy without hesitation if you had an unlimited budget?
A work by Fabienne Verdier, a sculpture by Juliette Frescaline

♥ In which city do you feel happiest? Why or why not? Share your 3 favorite addresses.
Montpellier and surroundings for its air of perpetual vacation (even though I work like crazy): impossible to name only 3: a picnic at Espiguette, the small medieval streets, the place de la Canourgue, the castle of Flaugergues with friends, my workshop,

♥ What book keeps you up all night?
D’autres vies que la mienne by Emmanuel Carrère.

♥ What are your biggest sources of inspiration?
Looks, music, people

♥ What’s the funkiest thing you’ve done in your life?
My 4 kids! Definitely athletic and all funky!

♥ What is your definition of happiness?
A nice dinner with friends! A picnic at the sea

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