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Anne-Cécile and Sylvère, embroiderer 🇫🇷

Order a portrait by Anne-Cécile and Sylvère

Anne-Cécile and Sylvère's Happy VIE

Anne-Cécile and Sylvère are the crossed inspirations of a textile designer and a graphic designer. It is the work of colour, pattern and material.

They draw their inspiration from sketches and drawings, from travels.

Anne-Cecile and Sylvère's Happy STYLE

It’s a mix of know-how, with a mastery of several possible fields: embroidery, assembly, binding, silk-screen printing… It’s a real meticulous work, to perfect an object, by hand, taking the time it takes.

Each portrait is intelligently designed, with a love of a job well done.

Why we LOVE Anne-Cecile and Sylvère

We fell under the spell of their sensitive and poetic universe. We like the way they look at the world and embellish it, with modesty and accuracy. Their portraits are objects that are part of time, an object that we never tire of looking at.

The Happy Funky PORTRAIT by Anne-Cecile and Sylvère

♥ Do you remember your first aesthetic shock?
Sylvère was struck at a young age by the detail of Leonardo da Vinci’s sketches .

♥ The artist you would like to meet? What would you say to him?
The humanist photographer Sebastiao Salgado and that’s good because we met him a short time ago.

♥ What is your favourite colour?
We agree on the colour black for its elegance and ability to go with everything.

♥ Which museum gives you the greatest emotion? Why?
We particularly like the Rodin Museum and the Bourdelle Museum for the confrontation between the gigantism of the sculptures and the intimacy of an artist’s studio.

♥ Which work of art would you buy without hesitation if you had an unlimited budget?
Sylvère: a painting by Felix Ziem and Anne-Cécile: a still life by the Danish painter Hammershoi

♥ In which city do you feel happiest? Why or why not? Share your 3 favourite your favourite places.
There is no ONE city, we especially like to discover new ones. Latest favourite: Athens (it inspired our latest collection “Agora”)

♥ What book keeps you up all night?
Sylvère: DOA’s noir series, Pukhtu Primo and Secundo. Anne-Cécile: A good political thriller mixing family intrigue and history. The latest: The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.

♥ What are your biggest sources of inspiration?
Unanimously: Our travels

♥ What’s the funkiest thing you’ve done in your life?
Let’s keep some mystery!

♥ What is your definition of happiness?
A good meal shared with friends and family.

I have a crush on Anne-Cecile and Sylvère...

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