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Lawyers and notaries: Customized art to better assert the identity of the firms

By 18 April 2023May 23rd, 2024No Comments

A custom-made artwork can dress up an office or a waiting room but it also offers you the possibility to assert your personality, your values and priorities. It is a way to give style to your law firm or your notary office and to send subtle messages to your clients.

First impressions are paramount when arriving in a new location. Investing in a work of art to personalize one’s premises has become an increasingly common practice in the legal profession, which recognizes the importance of giving life to its workplaces and receiving its clients in spaces that resemble them!

Investment in art by the legal profession: an increasingly widespread practice

In Grenoble, a notary was interviewed because, in addition to practicing his profession, he has become a well-known and recognized art collector over the years. He now has more than 200 works in his collection and exhibits them both in his apartment and in his office. Each room is decorated in a different style in order to send different messages to the clientele: to surprise, to move, to share discoveries, to incite to questioning or to creativity!

We find the same state of mind and the same will in Jean-Michel Attal’s Parisian office where his artistic favourites are exhibited. This notary with very assertive taste has created an almost museum-like atmosphere. It is surprising and striking, a communication with character that speaks volumes about his personality.

“…For me, it was a real privilege to be able to work surrounded by art” – Mark A. Reutter. 

Lawyer and art lover Mark A. Reutter is the person in charge of the selection of artworks for the renowned law firm Walder Wyss in Zurick. He believes that meeting rooms, hallways and lawyers’ offices should be inspiring and reflect the values and atmosphere of the firm. Sometimes, the works of art he selects are there to bring a touch of humor, to give a touch of lightness to a profession sometimes perceived as strict. His desire is to give art a place in a work environment populated by computers.

What is the purpose of these firms?

Custom art meets several needs:

  • The desire to decorate spaces intended for the public

The primary mission of Happy Funky Family, which specializes in custom art, is to put the human element back at the heart of everything, as much for the artist as for the client. As a legal professional, receiving clients in a pleasant setting with artworks “with a message” is a good way to create a bond and to break down prejudices about professions that are sometimes intimidating.

  • Present yourself in a modern, human and original way

Your professional spaces say a lot about your profession and your values. It is therefore important to make them evolve with time to remain modern and attractive. In other words, the layout of your office is your facade, the first impression you will give to a client or a new collaborator.

Let’s not forget that notaries are also art professionals, they intervene in inheritance, sale or donation of works of art. One more reason to highlight their support to artists and creation.

  • Dusting off the image of the notary profession and humanizing that of lawyers

It is a way to present a different image of the profession that suffers from clichés and the weight of the past: “The notary is no longer a notable inaccessible. He is a man like any other” says Boris Vienne, notary in Puylaurens and member of the chamber.

The notary is like the doctor of one’s patrimony. At his office, you will find advice, prevention for the future and the right remedies in case of inheritance, transmission of goods and other transactions.

Art and in particular portraits allow to change the image of the profession, to show young and dynamic notaries, listening to their clients, a kind of doctor of patrimony, far from the dusty image. Thanks to art, the firms can show that they are getting younger and adapting to the values and desires of young talents.

Notaries have a very wide field of action, from the handing over of keys, the succession or the marriage contract. Each of these subjects can be transformed by our artists into a unique work of art and thus enhance the actions of the profession.

A custom-made artwork allows you to choose the theme and send a strong message about your attachment to family and transmission.

  • Attract and retain employees

Partners can also decide to highlight their teams and their collaborative work by investing in a customized team portrait. This is a way to showcase their associates and send a strong message about the importance of teamwork.

Finally, the profession of notary or lawyer is very busy, employees spend a lot of time in the office, so it is important for them to enjoy a pleasant setting and be surrounded by those they love and who make them feel good. A photo is too intimate, but interpreting a photo into a work of art allows you to enjoy the subject without exposing your privacy.


Whether it is by taste or by personal desire to welcome your customers in a pleasant and controlled environment or to enjoy your family discreetly in your office, custom art is an original and personal way to decorate your office and waiting room while enhancing the creation at lower cost (thanks to tax deductions).

Nathalie Boscq