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The Happy Funky Family’s appearance on “Who Wants to be My Partner?

By 13 January 2022May 23rd, 2024No Comments



I remember watching season 1 of “Who Wants to be My Partner” two years ago in my kitchen with my daughter. At the time, Happy Funky Family didn’t exist. I thought this was a great show and the contestants were amazing, daring, smart, funny etc. We laughed, cried and were happy to share these good times as a family!

Little did I know that two years later I would find myself in their shoes, presenting what is ultimately the logical outcome of my journey: an art gallery that admires artists, promotes them and celebrates the bonds of the heart in all their forms.

If, at the time, I had been told that I would have the chance to live this adventure with my beloved sister, I would not have believed it!

Portrait sur plexi peint par Claire

To tell you the truth, when we are together, nothing stops us! Everything we do together is a shared pleasure, and our enthusiasm and complicity naturally spill over into the development of this project.

Regardless of the outcome of this programme, which you will find out about on Wednesday 26 January at 9pm, the real lesson to be learned is:


???? Dare to live your dreams

???? Daring to believe in the impossible

???? Dare to fail and try again

???? Daring to knock on doors

???? Daring to reinvent yourself

???? Daring to be legitimate

???? Dare to switch to TV ????

???? Dare to delegate

We hope that our appearance on “Who Wants to be My Partner” season 2 will inspire women in their 50s to take on an ambitious project.

The second great advantage of jumping in with both feet is how much you learn in the process. It’s a fast-track MBA! Of course we were no longer partridges of the year, but our marketing and business studies were long gone and so was our professional experience. But we were not afraid!

We have learned to:

???? Gaining the trust of artists of all backgrounds, techniques and ratings and bringing them on board

???? Creating a website and everything that goes with it, from cookies to payment methods to SEO!

???? Managing social networks and paid advertising

???? Managing our PR and press/tv/podcast appearances

???? Manage our partners and select them carefully (PR, web design, incubator, networks, mentors, investors etc….)

???? Hire trainee, employee….


In conclusion, we can’t tell you what happened on the set yet, but we can tell you that it was a great experience, unexpected encounters and hopefully an accelerator that will allow us to do even more:

???? of clients happy to order portraits of their loved ones: family, friends, colleagues, pets

???? of artists happy to create and use their talent for your portraits

???? of employees happy to embark on this adventure with us…


So see you on January 26th at 9pm ???? ….


Nathalie, one of the Happy Funky Sisters!